Master TOPIK Level 6
Through Self-Study!

Practice TOPIK writing with your AI tutor, JAEM TOPIK.

Questions and Guidelines
Online Class
Real-time AI feedback


GGeett ppeerrssoonnaalliizzeedd
ffeeeeddbbaacckk 2244//77..

Do you need someone to review your writing? Have an AI tutor available 24/7 to check your work!

YYoouu ccaann pprreeppaarree ffoorr
tthhee tteesstt iinnddeeppeennddeennttllyy..

Take online lessons and practice with your AI tutor to improve your writing skills!

AAddddiittiioonnaall FFeeeeddbbaacckk
ffrroomm aa KKoorreeaann TTeeaacchheerr

Request a Zoom lesson with a native Korean teacher.


GGeett ppeerrssoonnaalliizzeedd
ffeeeeddbbaacckk 2244//77..

Do you need someone to review your writing? Have an AI tutor available 24/7 to check your work!


YYoouu ccaann pprreeppaarree ffoorr
tthhee tteesstt iinnddeeppeennddeennttllyy..

Take online lessons and practice with your AI tutor to improve your writing skills!


AAddddiittiioonnaall FFeeeeddbbaacckk
ffrroomm aa KKoorreeaann TTeeaacchheerr

Request a Zoom lesson with a native Korean teacher.

Get Started

Popular Courses


Writing Course + AI Tutor

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25 H
Study all writing questions of TOPIK 2 and reach your goals with video lessons and writing practice.
43 Lessons
25 H



4 Times Zoom Writing Feedback

43 Lessons
20 H
1:1 Feedback on Zoom - Ask questions and receive feedback from a Korean teacher.
43 Lessons
20 H



TOPIK Writing Master

43 Lessons
15 H
Writing Course + AI tutor + 4 times Zoom writing feedback] try all three services at a cheaper price.
43 Lessons
15 H



No Install Required.

All you need to start is your laptop and internet connection.

Why Take the TOPIK Test?

Prove your Korean proficiency.

Increase your chances of finding a job in Korea.

Beneficial for visa applications or GKS scholarships.

Why Choose us?

Write every day and enhance your Korean skills! 📝

Receive real-time feedback from your AI tutor.

No need to wait—ask anytime and get immediate answers.

Experienced TOPIK Class

Professional teachers have designed the video course and AI program.

Repetition Study Method

Study anytime, anywhere. Attend classes and practice regularly.

Try the Course Today!

Demo class are available.


AI Tutor

Step-by-step Guidelines

Download Your Script

Are you ready to achieve your goals this year?
Let's start with JAEM topik Today!

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