4 Times Zoom Writing Feedback

1:1 Feedback on Zoom - Ask questions and receive feedback from a Korean teacher.

4 Times Zoom Writing Feedback

1:1 Feedback on Zoom - Ask questions and receive feedback from a Korean teacher.



What do I learn in class?

TOPIK Writing Questions No. 53, 54 pattern & tips

Unlimited AI writing practice program for 60 days

Hacks for writing TOPIK 51 and 52 questions

Key Expressions to use on the test


Ask a real Korean teacher the Korean questions that you couldn't fully verify or ask through the AI program.

Is this course suitable for me?

If you thought that AI programs and video lectures were not enough to improve your writing skills

Expected Outcomes

- 4-times Zoom classes - Writing feedback files - TOPIK writing knowledge and tips - Consultation with a professional Korean teacher

Class Preview


Student Reviews

Please leave your review :)


This is my first time taking the TOPIK test. Is it okay if I take the class?

Can I have unlimited writing practice during the class?

Since I received tuition assistance, I need documents such as course confirmation, tax invoice, and cash receipt. Is it possible to issue those?

What is the refund policy?




